Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Check out Google Video Notes! 
This is so cool. You can download the ap to your computer- add a video and students can take notes 
right along with the video!
Wow! It is hard to believe that another year has passed and here is my blog still! It took me a great deal of time to find it and recall the basics here. Not to worry that is why I keep taking classes.

There is a frightening permance to the internet and the creations we give birth to on it.
They don't change on their own, but we can continually edit and revise them to meet our needs at the time.

This year the focus is on how we will weave the Common Core & Google Tools together to best meet the needs of all our students. This one seemed easier than the last to me. Common Core (especially the ELA parts) are truely focusing on looking at things in-depth. At truely understanding and being able to communicate that understanding through presentation. Google presentation allows students to incorporate their understanding and show it in a mutitude of ways. Instead of being confined to a pencil interpretation students now have access to video creation, Word Art, images, and Google Draw to help them express, explain and share. 

One of the strongest elements of Google Tools is the ability to share. Shae your work as it is in progress, share your thoughts with a teacher who is at home, share with your parents outside of school, collect and share thoughts on other people's work before, during, and after it's creation. Creation through collaboration should be an integral part to the development of strong communication skills. Working collaboratively is a skill we all need to build. The world is smaller in so many ways. Student's today can speak (via Google Chat) to students in other parts of the world. They can watch history unfold on their phones, and information is a few clicks away. Common Core is about 'how to think' not how to recall and Google Tools can help our students to learn to do just that.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I love this little clip. I find it incredibly inspiring. 
I plan to show it to my students, maybe even our whole team
 to try and help them see where the bar is set for the year.
Anytime something catches my eye or sparks my imagination, I try to get it out there to the students so that they might 'share the spark'.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Playing with the students! 
To intro the year, establish  sister classrooms, and start the students thinking about geography, Heather Lamson (St. Albans Town School) and I are going to use a SKYPE conversation to let our classes meet and then play Twenty Questions with each other. The goal being to figure out the others location first. The amusing part is that our schools are only  a mile or so apart! This will lay the groundwork for future classroom/ community collaborations.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I finally got around to looking at School Tube.
 What a really intense tool!
 It is full of videos made by students  and there are dozens of topics to get you going. You can also post student videos here- what fun.
I am attaching a link to a Back to School video that I found. Who won't love a first day with a little Bill Cosby sprinkled into it!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


                            Search Education                         

This is pretty neat!
 What better way to weave critical thinking skills and 21rst Century Skills together than to teach how to really narrow down a search, a description, or ask a specific question?
 I really liked this site. Check it out for a nice rainy day or maybe teacher's out lesson.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I have HUGE plans for Google Earth- limited knowledge, but that is going to change. I want to use Google Earth to help my students start off with basic geography- where are we (small to all-house to global location). 
As we work our way through our world history/ancient cultures themes I would like them to flag (?) their starting point and then as we work our way through history, add in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, and Greece. I am eager to explore a way to labels that are historical and current.